You Lose Some You Win Some (Day 11)

Lets get all the mistakes out of the way at the start!

My first order was completed yesterday. Great I hear you say... well...

Turns out the poor client was a little confused by the advert and was expecting a full event plan instead of a function sheet template that would benefit their event. Which they had a right to be; it's vague.

This was always going to be an issue with "doing first and thinking later". You might have an idea of what you want but if you still aren't sure with what you want to provide for people then it will come across in your portrayal of the product or service.

I mean this is business 101 but some lessons need to be learnt through mistakes rather than being learnt through a mentor.

Time to try again!
Needless to say we are working out a reduced rate for the function sheet but if the customer decides they don't want to pay then I'd be happy with that as well. Because they have provided me with more than the initial $12 (£8) that was agreed at the start of the transaction. This has taught me a lesson; on my first customer! I will carry this lesson with me now to every other customer/client I work with and can really focus on understanding my product/service.

This also provides a business opportunity.

I only had one "Gig" up on Fiverr (Of course it's now down to avoid any more confusion) But only having one Gig forced me to be vague.

I'm going to work on a few "Gigs" From now on. Each providing a different service but for different prices. This gives a chance for the harder work to be more financially worth my time while the easier work will be more financially worth my customers time. I'll work on these Gigs before publishing but will get this done before tomorrow.

Today has let me realise one more thing. The phrase "You win some. You lose some" is fundamentally wrong. This implies things are great to begin with but take a nose dive through repetition. Flip it around "You lose some. You win some." Every loss gets you a step closer to your win.

Today was a bit of a blunder but we're here to learn and grow... So until next time.
Peace Out!
