First Order (Day 9)

9 days in and I have my first order from across the pond :)

If you've been keeping up with the journey so far; you'd remember that on one of the first days of doing this I put up and advert on Fiverr as an Event Adviser. If you don't remember this then don't worry you're not alone, I've been so caught up with setting up New Age Sports that I forgot about the advert.

First Order: Done!
Funnily enough my phone buzzed last night explaining that I had an enquiry. And after a short back and forth about what the service I offered actually was; I managed to secure an order.

Not a small order either. I was expecting smaller events to begin with (if any) but a sizeable conference over the pond in America is not a bad first catch.

This transaction has proven to me that my advert needs a bit of work. An advert shouldn't leave a customer questioning what you are offering. I'm not going to walk into McDonalds and ask what is in their new Cheese and Bacon Flatbread because the advert has made sure I know what's in it. So I will work on this advert over the next couple of days.

Not only that but I've also been speaking to potential sponsors and potential helpers for New Age Sports's first event. Still this is early talks so I will reveal more information as it comes.

But a pretty good day overall... It's a slow start but you have to let roots grow before a tree can flourish.

Starting to think about organising a social media presence for New Age Sports; just trying to decide whether I should wait until I have some official content that I can share.

Today is a reading and self reflection day but I'm sure there will be plenty for me to write about in tomorrow's daily blog.

Anyway guys, hope you have a good
Peace Out!
