The Set Up (Day 1)

So here we go then! Today is the first day of my challenge. 

I will go over the challenge in another blog post, where I can have it separate from my daily updates but long story short. I'm going to set up a business using nothing but my phone and free apps.

This idea has come from a book I've got on Audible (When I remember the authors name; I'll let you know) The author explains that you can easily set up a business just using your phone. So I thought what any sane person would think... "Game on!"

So what do I have going for me? I've got a phone (Good start). That's all I can use in terms of tools so lets get started.

(I would like to point out that I have never blogged before ... if you haven't noticed ... But practice makes perfect :) )

What skills do I have that I can work with. I have a degree in Event Management... lets use that.

So without going into too much detail (I will post up a business plan on the blog at some point for some fun light reading) I'm going to set up an online Event consultant / adviser business where I help with the planning and coordinating of any events people want to do.

For now I'll call myself TheEventAdvisor... I'm not married to the name (Partially because I've spelt Adviser wrong) but it's a name :)

So the apps I'm going to use:

  • Blogger (If you haven't guessed)
  • Logo Maker
  • Gumtree
  • Fiverr
  • Trello
  • Calendar
  • Kickstarter
  • Paypal

I'm sure I won't need half of these but screw it ... it's free.

I'll check back tomorrow once I have made some more ground with the set up :)
Speak soon ;) 
