The Challenge

According to Rob Moore in his book "Money"; you can set up a business using just your Smartphone and the apps that are free to download on it.

If that isn't a challenge; I don't know what is!

So, I'm going to blog every day about my journey. Using only my Sony Xperia Smartphone and apps that are completely free to download; I'm going to start a business.

I totally believe in the idea of learning through mistakes and you will see this a lot over the coming year.

Here I stand; A Smartphone, a 2:2 in BA Event Management, and Empty Wallet. If I can accomplish this with only determination; So can anyone else.

There is no set target yet. This will be an idea I will nurture and not give up on and constantly develop and grow.

All help is welcome, if you would like to subscribe to the blog to be kept in the loop then please do. Also if you have any suggestions then please send them my way. Nothing is more important to me right now than free advice.

Speak soon guys

Peace Out!
